Job application information


Personal information

Type of doctor applied

Doctor license

Education and Training


Specialty certificate approved document

Other training

History of work and other special skill

Work before doctor license

Intern period details

Residence doctor dentist period

Doctor specialty training

Other special skill

Other doctors that can recommend about you

Attach document

remark 1 real document must send at hospital
remark 2 file size not more than xx mb

Characteristics and data disclosure consent

General features

1. You have a polite speech. be tolerant And can control emotions in working well.

2. You do not have any congenital disease that may impede your practice of medicine.

3. You are happy to join a multidisciplinary team to the best of your ability.

4. You are willing to abide by the rules that the medical organization of Vichaiyut Hospital has laid down.

5. You are willing to keep secrets. Patient's medical information Including information through information-sharing platform

6. He is willing to follow the philosophy of Vichaiyut Hospital, which is "Medical care for quality and morality"

I acknowledge and agree. Disclose my personal information as follows

1. Hospitals and medical organizations keep copies of ID cards. ID card number Bank account number Documents related to education License to be a medical professional Including photos for evidence. or for verification

2. Hospitals and medical organizations send information to other external agencies as required by law, such as income amounts sent to the Revenue Department. or notify the bank account number or submit continuing education credit information to the Medical Council or a letter of intent to work in a medical practitioner's hospital (S.P. 6) to the Hospital and Medical Practice Division, Ministry of Public Health, etc.

3. The medical organization is responsible for checking your qualifications. Through educational institutions and related professional organizations both domestically and abroad. This includes reviewing continuing education credits and ethics complaints.

4. Hospitals and medical organizations Your basic information will be displayed as necessary in the hospital's announcements, doctor's directory, website, social media, or various journals and publications of the hospital for the purpose of publicizing the hospital's doctors / dentists.

5. Information according to points 1-3 that will be able to identify your identity. The hospital will continue to store it for another 10 years before destroying it after the day you cease working as a doctor at Vichaiyut Hospital.

6. In order to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2019, the hospital has announced a privacy policy. which you can study from the hospital's website ( and when work begins Please sign a contract to keep the information confidential. (non-disclosure agreement) also